The Knowledge of Truth, higher Knowledge, direct Knowledge, of Brahman liberates us from Vrittis, mental modifications.
– Shree Maa
To realize Absolute Truth we do not require any time, space and object.
– Shree Maa
Individuality is the projection of ignorance.
– Shree Maa
How strange!! How beautiful!!
There is no Jiva, there is no Ishwara
Only One, Non-Dual, Pure Consciousness.
– Shree Maa.
Existence, Knowledge, Bliss can only be One, there is no room for any other object in IT.
– Shree Oriya Baba.
One who renounces everything can never be mired in sorrow.
– Shree Oriya Baba.
First comes dispassion in the seeker of knowledge and later Knowledge. Whereas in a Devotee first comes devotion, later love and then dispassion.
– Shree Oriya Baba.
It is not good to observe anyone’s fault. Guru alone can observe a disciple’s shortcomings and can remove them. An eminent Guru, only with his resolution, can exonerate all drawbacks of a disciple.
– Shree Oriya Baba.
‘I am weak’, ‘I am impure’ this is a sign of weak mind. To alertly carry on duty with patience and enthusiasm is a sign of pure mind.
– Shree Oriya Baba.
Because of attraction and repulsion, limited knowledge and ego Pure Consciousness becomes Jiva, the individual Consciousness.
– Shree Oriya Baba.
When Self wears the robe of karma it becomes the doer. When Self wears the robe of happiness and sorrow it becomes enjoyer. But, there is no difference between the doer and the enjoyer, except for their robes, Self remains the same.
– Maharajshree.
Incarnation of Ishwara in our hands is karma.
– Maharajshree.
Incarnation of Ishwara in our affection is devotion.
– Maharajshree.
Incarnation of Ishwara in our intellect is Knowledge.
– Maharajshree.
About Maa
Maa’s Life a Complete Reverence In Glorifying The Grandeur Of Vedant.
Her disciple soul Is and always Is anchored firmly at her Guru’s feet which is an exhaustive study of Advait philosophy. Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji of Vrindavan is her Gurudev. He not only was a Realized saint but also a pronounced scholar of prasthantrei, it implies Bramhasutra, Bhagwad Gita and Upanishads; also plethora of other scriptures. Maa’s discourses is an an echo of her Gurudev’s teachings which resonates infallibly with the Upanishads. The highly textualised scriptures are unfolded methodically through her discourses. Her teaching helps Sadhak’s to easily disembark their self annointed ignorance and imbibe the sublime meaning of Advait philosophy with Conviction.
Shree Maa Poornaprajna
Brahmavidya is that traditional wisdom, which through it’s teaching reveals the illusory nature of jagat, false appearance. Thus proves the certainty of your Real Self.
One in whose life Guru’s grace is present, he is not perturbed or influenced by any circumstancial change, personality, object, time or space. If Guru is the essence of Absolute Reality, then one whose face is turned towards Guru, is the essence of Absolute Knowledge. There is no difference between devotion towards Ishwara and Guru. If unknown conviction in Ishwara is Bhakti then known Bhakti alone is conviction in Brahman, Absolute Knowledge.
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Negation of relative thoughts during contemplation reflects the strength of reasoning. This is enquiry into Brahman, the Supreme Consciousness.